NORQUIST: We need to get away from partisan politics.
MORGAN: Why don't we -- let's put it all in the mix.
NORQUIST: And solve the problem.
MORGAN: Let's put it all in the mix. All in the mix, everything taken into account, percentage of the current crisis down to Republican decisions versus Democrat. Give me a percentage.
NORQUIST: Well, OK, the Republicans have put forward a budget under Ryan cut $6 trillion out of the Obama budget. Obama has accepted none of that so he's 100 percent responsible.
MORGAN: So President Obama is 100 percent responsible for our current financial crisis.
NORQUIST: For the failure -- for the failure to get our -- get out spending down.
MORGAN: Isn't your answer exactly what the problem is? For you to sit there and just look me straight in the eye down this camera and say President Obama is 100 percent responsible for the financial crisis in America, it's obviously complete hogwash.
And that kind of partisan opinion is what is preventing any kind of sensible deal, a strategy being achieved, isn't it?
(Crooks and Liars)
Good for Morgan for calling Norquist on this nonsense, though they kinda missed the big issue here - Norquist is saying that because Obama rejected the Ryan budget - which has been universally panned as completely impractical and somewhat insane - then Obama is 100% responsible for the financial crisis. Wow! That's kinda beyond the beyond...