Thursday, January 13, 2005

more on bush's plan to destroy Social Security

Just watched the Daily Show do an amazing report on bush's press conference about SS! Man, this guy gives them SO much material! Its hard to believe that this is all real!
Jon Stewart makes the excellent point that, seeing how bush admits that he does not read any newspapers or watch the news, that he doesn't want to hear bad news from his staff, that everyone that is allowed into any of his speeches is hand-picked to make sure that they agree with him, he is the living embodiment of the Truman Show! Does he even know that they are real people out here that he is hurting and killing?! Maybe not!
Anyway, some highlights from his speech :

In reference to his plans for personal savings account for SS:

a personal savings account which can't be used to bet on the lottery, or a dice game, or the track.

Wow! The faith that he has in the American people is heartwarming! I swear that these are actual quotes!

Secondly, the interesting -- there's a -- African American males die sooner than other males do, which means the system is inherently unfair to a certain group of people. And that needs to be fixed.

As Jon Stewart pointed out, shouldn't we maybe address the reasons why African American males die younger?!

THE PRESIDENT: Okay, you're a dairy farmer?
MR. WRIGHT: That's correct.
THE PRESIDENT: Good. Milking those cows.
MR. WRIGHT: Yes. Not today, obviously. I made my dad stay home and do it. But we have a dairy farm in central Utah, and you can fit the whole town in this building here.
THE PRESIDENT: Kind of like Crawford.
MR. WRIGHT: There's a lot more cows than there are people, so I spend a lot of time talking to animals. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Are they talking back yet? (Laughter.) When they start talking back, give me a call. (Laughter.)

Oh my gawd! I can't believe that this is the height of debate for this president! Gotta mention that he's from a "small town" too! Of course, he could buy the town and probably the state if he wanted, but he's just a small town boy!

If nothing takes place, if Congress says, oh, don't worry, we'll just push it down the road; why do we need to deal with it, there's no crisis -- if nothing happens, and we don't start moving on it now, by the time Josh gets to retirement age, the system will be flat broke.

This has been proven to be an outright lie, but, of course, that's never stopped bush!

MS. STONE: I would like to introduce my mom. This is my mother, Rhoda Stone. And she is grandmother of three, and originally from Helsinki, Finland, and has been here over 40 years.
THE PRESIDENT: Fantastic. Same age as my mother.
MS. STONE: Just turned 80. The Talent Show points out, can bush read minds or see into the future now? How did he know the age this person was going to say before they said it? Couldn't possibly be scripted, could it?!

I realize it's not going to be easy. This isn't easy. If it were easy, it would have already been done.

Man, he loves to go on about his "hard work", doesn't he?!