Wednesday, January 12, 2005

another "right"wing nutcase!

From Media Matters :

Ann Coulter: Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist"

The January 10 edition of the New York Observer printed a January 3 interview with right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, in which she stated that she was "fed up with hearing about ... civilian casualties" in Iraq; that "it would be fun to nuke" North Korea; that all feminists are "weak and pathetic;" that former President Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist." Coulter's personal website provided a link to the interview.


Absolutely outrageous! How does someone get to rant & lie in the media like this?! Oh yeah, i forget, its that "liberal media" conspiracy at it again! This "person" is simply grotesque! Can you imagine if someone said these things about a republican?!