Wednesday, January 12, 2005

this would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic!

From AOL News :

Search Ends for Banned Weapons in Iraq
By Will Dunham, Reuters

WASHINGTON (Jan. 12) -- The U.S. force that scoured Iraq for weapons of mass destruction has abandoned its long and fruitless hunt and is assisting in the more immediate task of counter-insurgency efforts, U.S. officials said on Wednesday.
''You can only search so many places for WMD,'' said a defense official, who added that the ISG continues to review documents and interview people knowledgeable about deposed President Saddam Hussein's arms programs for possible leads.
Charles Duelfer, the CIA special adviser who led the ISG's weapons search, has returned home and is expected next month to issue a final addendum to his September report concluding that prewar Iraq had no WMD stockpiles, officials said.
The Duelfer report concluded that Iraq had no stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons and its nuclear program had decayed before last year's U.S.-led invasion.

The findings are contrary to prewar assertions by the Bush administration, which stated in the run-up to the war that Saddam possessed stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, was actively reconstituting his nuclear arms program, and might provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists to attack America.


I can't believe that they actually had someone looking for these fictional WMDs! I had no idea that they were even going through the motions since they knew that this was all BS.
From DailyKos: a LONG list of the numerous lies about WMDs that the bush administration gave us as a reason to go to war. Why has the story of there being no WMDs been down played so much in the press? Why isn't there ANY accountability in this administration?! Damn that "liberal media"!!!