Thursday, January 13, 2005

Go Canada! Some good news, for a change!

From YahooNews :

Canadian Researcher Invents New Solar Cell

TORONTO (Reuters) - It may only be a matter of time before we will be using our shirts to charge our cellphones.

Researchers at the University of Toronto have invented a flexible plastic solar cell that is said to be five times more efficient than current methods in converting energy from the sun into electrical energy.

Team leader Ted Sargent, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the university, said the cell harnesses infrared light from the sun and can form a flexible film on the surface of cloth, paper or other materials.

And the film can turn 30 percent of the sun's power into usable electrical energy -- a far better performance than the 6 percent gleaned from the best plastic solar cells now in use.


Wow! Let's hope that our government doesn't squash this development since it could conflict with some of the organizations in their back pockets!