Thursday, January 13, 2005

a petition to make C. Rice tell the truth!

Barbara Boxer has a petition circulating to let Rice know that we want the truth!

From Ms. Boxer:

Thank you so much for signing my petition, calling on Condoleeza Rice to tell the truth about the war in Iraq and the fight against terrorism during her Senate confirmation hearings.
As you know, I have never been afraid to stand alone on the Senate floor -- like earlier this month when I led the fight to challenge Ohio's Electoral Votes.
But now I cannot stand up without you. The fights are getting harder and harder since our numbers in the Senate have diminished.

So, please join our PAC for a Change. With PAC for a Change, we can stand together to fight against the President's foreign and domestic policies that are moving us away from the core values that underlie our democracy.


Please sign the petition at the link above! Let them know that there are plenty of people who want the truth, not more of their lies!