conservatives hate our troops!
Why do Conservatives accuse our troops of "bellyaching?"
by Joe in DC - 12/17/2004 04:41:44PM
Last Sunday, watching the Chris Matthews Show, I was really shocked to hear Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker say that the American troops in Iraq who complained to Rumsfeld about trash picking for armor were "bellyaching." During the panel discussion about the now infamous question to Rumsfeld about the need to trash pick for armor, Parker, who writes a column for the Heritage Foundation's TownHall.Com, said,
They make the, well they, they bellyache if you ask them. If they haven't had a bath in two days and they're sleeping with a bunch of smelly guys and they're tired and they're hungry they're going to bellyache. Give them a little R&R and they come back and they have maybe a different story.
That's Parker, renowned as a conservative columnist, mocking the men and women on the front lines, comparing the lack of life-saving armor to the need for a bath. That's easy enough to do when she is sitting her ass in a t.v. studio or at the Heritage Foundation, not an unarmored humvee facing hostile fire.
The disdain the Parker and the conservatives show for our troops is astounding. To to accuse them of bellyaching because Bush and Rumsfeld sent them to die without the right equipment has got to be a new low.The conservatives are unmitigated hypocrites. They love the war, but hate the troops. Kathleen Parker should be ashamed.
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