Thursday, December 09, 2004

this is beyond stupid!

Jello Treat Gets 4th-Grader Suspended
GRETNA, La. -- A fourth grader has been suspended for taking what was described as a look-alike drug to her elementary school in Gretna, La.
Kelli Billingsley, 8, brought homemade jello cups to school at Boudreaux Elementary.
Her mom said the school tested the jello and determined it didn't have any alcohol in it. But the school suspended the girl for having a look-alike drug.
The girl's mom said her daughter was just trying to make a treat for her friends.
The superintendent of Jefferson Parish schools said she will investigate the case.

Saw this at

Just how absurd and conservative are schools going to get?! Jello is a "look-alike drug"?! Give me a freakin' break! These people are just morons!