Sunday, December 12, 2004

americans are really confused!

from the Las Vegas Sun:

Poll: Faith for Democracy in Iraq Slips

Americans' confidence that a stable, democratic government can be established in Iraq has eroded since last spring, according to an Associated Press poll taken amid continuing violence ahead of next month's election.

Public support for Bush's handling of the Iraq war has edged up over the past six months, however.

Fewer than half, 47 percent, think it's likely Iraq will be able to establish a stable government, according to the poll conducted for the AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs. A little more than half, 51 percent, said they think it's not likely.

In April, 55 percent said they believed a stable, Democratic government probably would be established in Iraq, and 44 percent thought it was not likely.
People were about evenly divided on the president's handling of Iraq, with 48 percent approving and 50 percent disapproving. That's up from June, when 43 percent approved and 55 percent disapproved.
A series of attacks in recent days have killed more than 80 Iraqis, mostly members of the country's fledgling security forces. Iraqi and U.S. officials have insisted next month's elections will go ahead despite the violence and the fact that some insurgent strongholds have been too dangerous for voter registration to begin.
More than half, 52 percent, still think the United States is on the wrong track, while 43 percent think it's headed in the right direction. The pessimistic mood has lingered since January, when people were about evenly split on the country's direction soon after the capture of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Bush's overall job approval in the poll among registered voters was at 51 percent, with 47 percent disapproving, about the same as in November right after his re-election.

People were about evenly split on Bush's handling of the economy and of other domestic issues, with 48 percent approving and 50 percent disapproving.

The president got some of his strongest ratings for his handling of foreign policy and terrorism, with 53 percent approving and 45 percent disapproving.

So, people approve of bush as a prez, approve of his handling of Iraq, though they think that the US is on the wrong track and think that we cannot create a democracy in Iraq! What the hell is wrong with people?!