as if we weren't already conservative enough!
again, seen first at buzz flash:
So, they ultra-conservatives want to stop even the teeny-tiniest help that this administration would give to the american public! Deeper cuts into non-defense spending, cuts in education, limit medicare benefits...Damn, do they care about nothing but war and restricting people's rights?! Insane!
Conservatives to challenge Bush
Emboldened conservatives in Congress say they will oppose the White House next year on at least a half-dozen issues where they say President Bush has strayed from Republican values.
The points of contention conservatives plan battles over:
•Immigration. Hard-liners oppose Bush's plan to give guest-worker status to illegal immigrants. They prefer to see amnesty laws tightened.
•Abortion. Conservatives such as Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., say they'll oppose Supreme Court nominees friendly to abortion rights. Bush opposes a "litmus test" on nominees.
•Spending. Conservatives will seek deeper cuts in non-defense spending than Bush is expected to request.
•Education. Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., says Congress "must undo" Bush's signature No Child Left Behind Act, which sets national standards for education. He says Washington should stay out of schools.
•Political money. Conservatives want to repeal limits on political fundraising that Bush signed into law in 2002.
•Prescription drugs. Fiscal conservatives such as Pence want to limit the new Medicare benefit to poor seniors and those without coverage before the program starts in 2006. Bush opposes such a move.
So, they ultra-conservatives want to stop even the teeny-tiniest help that this administration would give to the american public! Deeper cuts into non-defense spending, cuts in education, limit medicare benefits...Damn, do they care about nothing but war and restricting people's rights?! Insane!
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