Friday, December 03, 2004

bush version of making you & your kids safer!


Bush and His EPA Are Poisoning Children
This is disgusting.
In 2001, the Bush led EPA struck a deal with chemical companies to remove two important rat poison regulations designed to protect the safety of children.
Specifically, the safety measures had required rat poisons contain an ingredient that makes the candy-like pellets taste bitter to kids and a dye to make it more obvious to adults when a child has ingested the poison.
As a result of no longer requiring those safety additives, the nation is now seeing a record number of children poisoned by the toxic pellets. This year more than 50,000 children were poisoned by rodenticides, which is three times as many as were affected prior to the removal of safety regulations.
Go here to sign the petition to reinstate rat poison safety measures. It's a sad day in this country when we have to actually circulate a petition to tell the government to stop sacrificing our kids lives so that corporations can make a few extra bucks.
Thanks again Jesusland.

As proven time & time again, bush could give a f*k about you and your kids.