Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Up is down, black is white, right is left, but the left sure ain’t right!

I freely admit that I have been extremely naïve. I surround myself with intelligent, educated, liberal, like-minded people, so I was very surprised at the ignorance of the people who voted for bush (a majority thinking that there actually were WMDs in Iraq, etc). But now that I have been exploring some right-wing sites & blogs, nothing surprises me anymore! The racism, sexism, the gay-bashing, the religious fanaticism, the blind patriotism, etc etc, is phenomenal! Here are just a few random quotes (no, I have not made these up!) from 1 day’s worth of posts on

"My favorite quote: "...we can now expect more wars and mayhem during the next four years."
Excellent - go with what works. This is just long overdue justice, with a very thoughtful strategy for protecting innocent life around the world."

(An article was posted on the ted binion murder trial and all the posts were simply requests for pictures of the “stripper” who was accused!)


“Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger had to find out the hard way. Fresh from his stirring speech at the Republican convention where he endorsed President Bush, the governor came home that night knowing he would have some explaining to do.

For wife Maria Shriver is known to be of the liberal Democratic persuasion. Sure enough, Maria put Arnold in the doghouse -- and that meant no sex for a fortnight “

(Wow! Unbelievable sexism in this entire article!)


"Identifying Moderate Muslims "
"They are room temprature. "
"They have toe tags. "

(a post on iran and al qaeda having access to nuclear weapons – of course no one asks why we went to iraq instead!)


(response to an article about france wanting to put differences behind them and help re-build iraq):

"Screw them!!!! "
"Too bad the emasculated surrender monkeys have absolutely
nothing to offer. "
"It's too late for these "Back-stabbers". "
"Keep the French crapweasels out of Iraq. "
"Up yours, Chirac. "

"I told my children that if an adult EVER tells me they misbehaved in any way, I automatically believe the adult. I don't even want to hear their side of the story. "

"As each day passes, the better it will get. It's a simple fact of who we are, and what we will do to make their life easier. "
(this is re:Iraq!!!!)


"I am getting to the point that even the Chinese press is more reliable than the US press. "
(yes, the press of most other countries are more reliable than our conservative media!)


"Next time, shoot the cameraman first!"

"The NRA should file suit against GM or Ford for a member killed in a car crash. Then the NRA should file suit against meat producers on behalf of a member who died of heart disease. And against a knife-manufacturer and so on and so on."

(ohmigawd – what amazing logic!)


"That's O.K. My ENTIRE family does NOT recognize MLK day anymore. We celebrate 21 Jan as it should be properly noted....General Robert E. Lee's BIRTHDAY! :-) "

"It's way past time to dissolve the UN. Bush could accomplish this and provide the world with a lasting legacy. "
"Save it (the UN) by relocating it the the geological anus of some third world sh*thole country where it would be more comfortable with its own kind. "

"I wish they would put some special character in the "Humor" headlines to alert everyone"
(this post because they cannot distinguish between real news stories and obvious satire!)


"First, in most Moslem countries, the general attitude towards science and reason is subordinate to fantasy and speculation. "

(as opposed to the religious right?!)


"We're gonna need to kill 1,000,000,000 of them (Muslims) before the threat is over"

"They forget the fact that the Koran is a vile, evil book written by a insane epileptic pedophilic murderer. "

"Women are now wrestling with turkeys and pumpkin pies — and with the realization that only 30 shopping days remain before Christmas. This holiday weekend kicks off a whirlwind of shopping, wrapping, baking, and decorating. "

(wow – is this all that repub women do?!)


"Heck, I'll bet even Halliburton's approval ratings are over 50%.....
LOL! Haven't heard that word since the elections. "

(they are so happy that their scandals are being swept under the rug!)


Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School!
(This obvious satire rec’d 134 indignant posts! Guess they have to be gullible to vote for bush!)


"The United States is losing the war of ideas in the Islamic world"
"Winning the hearts and minds of people who have neither is a near impossibility."
"We can't lose a war of ideas with a bunch of lunatics, whose sole "ideas" consists of terrorist acts, hatred and suicide bombings."
"If they're all dead, who cares what they think?"
"We need to find a way to preach the gospel to them. That's the only way to change hearts and minds."

"Does each state have a ghoul in government, demanding that stem cell Nazis be funded to the extreme, by tax-payers who abhor such practices?"

"Illinois is clearly in the camp of satanists and morons. "
"And, it has Osama bin Bama as a senator. "

"Scripture says that vegetarianism is a pagan practice."
(guess they don't remember that their Adam & Eve were vegetarians!)


"Never talk to the authorities. It's NEVER in your best interest"


"Democrat Party Must Be Destroyed"

"I feel your pain... NOT!"

(do people really still say this?!)


Again, i guess that i'm just naive, because this amount of hate and bile, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc is incredible to me! This is from the party that WON the election! Can you imagine how angry they would be if they had LOST?!