Friday, September 14, 2007

who thinks that texting and driving could ever go together?

Cell phone use banned for teen drivers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A message from the state of California to its 16- and 17-year-olds: Dnt txt n drv — thx.

A law signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday will require those teens to put down all cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Older drivers will be able to use hands-free devices but minors won't enjoy that luxury — in part because of the popularity of text-messaging among teens.

I know that some idiots do this, but what moron could possibly think that it was ok to text-message while driving?

I was going to make some smart-alek remark about driving and reading, but it is probably because our people don't read that they are stupid enough to try something this ridiculous.