does anyone really believe that the military is infallible?
Republicans simply do not believe in our democracy
Associated Press
"The president does not think that generals should be denigrated at all," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. If critics of the president "want to attack him, fine, but the generals, and by association the military, should be out of bounds from partisan attacks."
That's ridiculous, dangerous, and utterly un-American. And it's a notion that the Republicans have pushed for years. Namely, that the military in America is off-limits, above criticism, and always right. And it's absurd. And dangerous. In America, the military is under civilian rule. And there's a reason for that. The military, like any government entity, or any man, is not infallible. And worse, the military, unlike HUD or the Department of Labor, can throw its weight around in ways only dreamed of by other less-armed agencies (hard to imagine HUD waterboarding). It is a direct danger to our democracy, to any democracy, to give the military the right to trump the civilian.
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