Friday, June 09, 2006

Crooks and Liars on coulter

Coulter on the Today Show: Attacks 9/11 Widows

Kathy Griffin goes after Coulter

9/11 Widows respond to Coulter

Coulter Fall Out

Olbermann slams Coulter: Shameless

Does Time Mag Still Love Ann Coulter?

Rahm Emmanuel to Republicans: Does Ann Coulter speak for you?
Seriously, wouldn't you think that any human would distance themselves as far as possible from someone who is this disgusting? Are the repugs going to finally - finally - denounce this sickening, vile hag? She has gone way past the boundaries of good taste millions of times before, and has asked for assassinations of innocent people before, but now she is vilifying the victims of our nation's biggest disaster and her party's biggest talking point?!
One would hope that she has finally gone too far even for repugs.
Unbelievable! Conservatives are defending her!! Media Matters reports here and o'reilly actually claims that the left is worse!!! Of course, he has no evidence for that, but wow!