Friday, June 09, 2006

a moment of sanity

Senate derails repeal of estate tax
WASHINGTON - The Senate rejected Republican efforts Thursday to repeal the estate tax, but GOP leaders promised to try again before this election year is over.

"Wiping this vicious tax from the books is a matter of principle," said Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.
Those opposed to the bill said it would deliver an unwise tax cut when the government needed more money to balance its budget and to wage war.

"This bill has nothing to do with the average American," said Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill. "It is about the wealthiest people in America flexing their muscles and pushing through on Capitol Hill the most outrageous piece of special interest legislation in modern memory."

"Vicious tax"?! "A matter of principle"?!?! ahahahaahahahahahahaha
That Frist certainly is a comedian! Yeah, pretty vicious to expect the ultra-rich to pay their share of taxes!! And in a time of war, no less!