Friday, February 11, 2005

still MORE proof of condi's lies

From Daily Kos :

EIGHT months before the September 11 attacks the White House's then counterterrorism adviser urged then national security adviser Condoleezza Rice to hold a high-level meeting on the al-Qaeda network, according to a memo made public today.
"We urgently need such a principals-level review on the al-Qaeda network," ... Richard Clarke wrote in the January 25, 2001 memo.
Mr Clarke, who left the White House in 2003, made headlines in the heat of the US presidential campaign ... when he accused the Bush White House of having ignored al-Qaeda's threats before September 11.
Mr Clarke testified before inquiry panels and in a book that Rice ... had been warned of the threat.

See the whole article for copies of the memos and lots of damning evidence. How are these people who are responsible for the deaths of 1000's of our citizens still in power?!
Wow - wondered how the "right" would respond to this unbelievably damning report that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were lied to and that viable threats were completely ignored simply because they came from holdovers of Clinton's administration. Welp, here it is.
All the usual - deny everything, lie about the lies, blame someone else, call it "old news" and "boring"....and believe it or not, blame KERRY! Double-wow! Anything to avoid accepting any responsibility whatsoever! Triple-wow! More blaming everyone except bush! It must be nice to know in all certainty that EVERYTHING is someone else's fault!