Thursday, February 10, 2005

deflection, deception, denial

There’s been a lot of talk, mostly from the “right”-wingers about Ward Churchill and an article that he wrote over 3 years ago, shortly after the 9/11 tragedy. In the article he makes the obvious and logical point that the attacks were a response to US foreign policy. Not a big stretch, is it? But, he makes an unfortunate analogy between the tech workers at the WTC (who he says helped corporate America institute some of the policies) and nazis who were “just following orders”. An extreme point, to be sure, and one that is now the cause of a great “controversy”.

Conservatives, who have just now dug up this article for some reason, are claiming that this man is a spokesperson for all liberals and shows how crazy we all are!

Of course, this is simply an issue of free speech and this gentleman should be able to express his opinion but the “right” does not see it that way! They are demanding everything from his firing to his death!

But, as usual, this is just another example of the conservative media deflecting the public from real stories – everything from the upcoming wars, the SS dismantlement, to the Gannon WH press corps scandal – with a complete non-story.

The entirety of the argument should be: “I don’t like what he said, but he has a right to say it. I just won’t listen to him”. But that’s too simple. In reality, most people would have no idea who he is without all the “controversy”.

That this obvious point is seemingly missed just shows that it is purposeful deflection. Someday maybe we will actually have a media that ignores absurd non-stories and reports on real news. I’m not holding my breath though!
More on this and my post about some of these Fox talking heads being all about theater and not serious commentary, see Bill O'Reilly asking if Churchill can be charged with treason! Of course, everyone knows that is an absurd question, but for Fox its all about being more outrageous than anyone else. That's how they get viewers!