Wednesday, February 09, 2005

WH press corps corruption

From Crooks and Liars :

Louise Slaughter on the White House briefing room scandal

Watch the video - great stuff! Ms. Slaughter demands an explanation as the "liberal media" tries to stop her from making her points and tries to obscure how obscene this situation is. The scandal is not that a conservative got to ask some questions, but that this person was completely unqualified to be in the WH press corps and was obviously embedded to lob softball questions - often with derogatory comments about Democrats - and to simply repeat the administration's press releases. Its the continuing story of the WH paying people purporting to be journalists in order to publicize bush's agenda.
There is also the question of someone using an alias gaining access to the president regularly without any problems. Not to mention Gannon having access to CIA documents!
This is very different than having a qualified Wall Street Journal reporter in the WH corps!

The letter from Congresswoman Louise Slaughter to bush regarding this fraud.
UPDATE - from Media Matters : a few examples of Gannon's "reporting". Or maybe i should call them "making shit up to make his side look better". There is a difference between someone having a conservative slant and someone fabricating slanderous stories. Though, I guess you wouldn't know that considering the repugs campaigns!