Friday, December 24, 2004

more on gay marriage

Saw an article in today's Las Vegas review journal (can't find a link to it on their site) about gay marriages. The latest position the "right" has on this is that marriage's "main purpose is to produce children" and since gays cannot "naturally" do this, then they should not be allowed to marry! The absurdity of this statement is so apparent that I know that I don't have to comment on it, but I will! I take this personally, because by their logic, then I, as a heterosexual male, should not have been able to marry the woman I love more than anything in the world and who I want to spend the rest of my life with, because I had a vasectomy! This would apply to numerous other friends who are married yet do not plan on procreation. Not to mention older people who are past their child-bearing years. And what about people who get married and plan to have children, but find out that one of them cannot? By this logic, they should then divorce!
Why is there so much resistance to people just living their lives as they choose, if they are not bothering anyone? Merry xmas indeed!