Friday, October 03, 2008

funny headline - stupid article

Why Some Women Hate Sarah Palin
An incredibly sexist article (written by a woman) saying that some women hate Palin because she's "too pretty"?! Really? That's the best you could come up with?

Not that she is totally unqualified and would be horrible for this country? Not that she is a blathering idiot who obviously does not understand the job or the responsibilities or the policies or the issues? Not that she is sickeningly snarky and overdoes the "folksy" character to the point of cartoonishness? Not that she makes all women look bad because she just got to where she is due to the fact that she is a woman (who is also ultra conservative)? Not that she has consistently voted against women's issues? Not that she charged victims in her town (while she was mayor) for rape kits?

None of those reasons (or many more) that is why women that I know hate her? Just that she is "too pretty" (which I disagree with vehemently)?