Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP debate

OK, Palin is definitely trying to be "homespun" but has already lied in her first response!

But, truthfully, she hasn't sounded like a ditz yet, other than the absurd talking points.

"Darn right", "Joe Six Pack"...jeez...she is already annoying as hell...

Funny that she is talking about oversight and regulation, though McCain has wanted to cut regulation, as Biden just said, thankfully. Great that he is hitting on that repeatedly.

Biden is good at just smiling and kinda laughing at her talking points. He doesn't seem obnoxious, but is personable without being silly about it like Palin is.

OK, she just said that she wouldn't answer the questions that are asked!

And she just said that the bush government has been running things terribly!

Wow, did she just say that McCain hasn't flip-flopped?!

Oh, and she has been taking on the oil companies?! Yeesh! And blaming Obama for oil company tax breaks?!?!?! OMG, she actually has made me laugh out loud a few times!

Will someone cut her bangs?! They are far too long!

Whew - how many times has she already claimed that McCain suspended his campaign?! How many lies has she already told?

Palin still won't admit the cause of climate change and doesn't care and Biden states that it is man made and talks about alternative energies. Man, she just keeps going back to energy, no matter what the question.

Biden very strongly states their support of same sex partnerships and Palin does not. She is using the word "choose" again! What a ass...
But, i hate to hear that Biden say that he & Obama do not support gay marriage.

Fuck, what a bitch! "White flag of surrender"?! Completely opposite of what he just said!

I like that Biden just laughs at her absurdities.

Now she is lying about Obama's diplomacy policies, as McCain did.

Wait - women's rights?!?! Palin?!

Hard work?! Is she bush?!?!

I like Biden's passion - i just hope that it comes across positively - i can't tell how some people view some of these things.

Wha?! Talking about the problems of this administration and what Obama wants to do to change them is a bad thing now?!? Huh?! Great response from Biden. Palin is just speaking talking points while Biden is talking true policies. She's just trying to be a "cute homebody" and hoping that will push her along.

More lies about Obama...and Biden talking facts and policies again.

MORE lies - out and out lie about the Iraq vote, the bullshit about for it/against it, her bullshit "i'm just a dumb outsider" attitude. I'm sure this will resonate with some hicks, but boy, it is obnoxious to anyone with a brain.

Fuck, she just called Biden a liar! I guess the repugs weren't kidding that she was going on the attack!

And how does McCain know how to win a war? How does being shot down make you win a war?

I love that Biden just mentioned the Bush Doctrine - nice job!

Stop with the nonsense "maverick" bullshit. She just winked at the camera! WTF? She is hardly a "average working class" person!

Goddam she is like a sitcom parody of a hick. I will literally throw up is this jerk is put in a position of power. She is truly hateful.

Again, these candidates show what a difference we have this election - thoughtful, actual policies or dumb-ass, rude talking points.

A complete non-answer about VP positions from Palin and she seems to want more power for the VP.

Man, I hope that no one has a drinking game of taking a shot every time Palin says "energy" or "maverick" or claims to be middle class. Think Progress notes that she is a millionaire - not exactly "joe six pack"!

WHAT?!?! McCain's maverick credentials based on support from Lieberman and Guiliiani?!?

Nice humanity from Biden when talking about his family.

I still find it funny that McCain/Palin are still trying to steal Obama's motto while not actually wanting to change anything.

Great response on McCain's "maverick" status.

Funny that she has to give a jab to the "mainstream media" for actually reporting her words.

Sure, I'm biased, but while Palin didn't implode, Biden was passionate, spoke from experience and gave real policy answers. Palin, on the other hand, was extremely rude, vicious, mean and acted like a hick. Actually, literally calling Biden a liar was extraordinarily uncalled-for.

I agree with Maddow that Palin's folksy-ness was cartoonish and gimmick-y.

Much more detailed and better coverage from Think Progress and Americablog with fact checks on some of Palin's lies.

Post-debate Buchanan just keeps saying that without this economic disaster McCain/Palin would be leading. But yeah, the fact that McCain's policies brought us here would have something to do with people's opinions!

Funny that any repug that says that Palin wins defends that by saying that she didn't do as badly as everyone expected. Not that she did good or better than Biden, just that she wasn't a disaster. Well, that's a high bar!

BTW, did anyone notice the "Tina Fey '08" sign that someone was holding up in the crowd on MSNBC?