McCain whining again
Washington - In a campaign week dominated by Barack Obama's trip abroad, the pro-John McCain camp has made headlines by complaining about coverage of Senator Obama's trip abroad.
A recent Rasmussen Reports poll backs up McCain, reporting a growing portion of likely voters see a bias toward Obama – now 49 percent, up from 44 percent a month ago. Only 14 percent believe reporters favor McCain. And the poll was taken before the McCain campaign complained publicly that the The New York Times had rejected an Op-Ed by the senator that responded to an Obama Op-Ed in the Times.
Yeah - how dare Obama make news?! Doesn't he know that McCain is sensitive and his media buddies need to talk about him also?!
I am literally astonished to find out that a poll says a majority of Americans think that the media is biased towards Obama, despite the massive amount of negative publicity (the majority of his publicity) he has received. The media falls all over McCain and - as we've seen - literally corrects him so that he won't look bad! Does anyone really think that there is a chance in hell that any media person would do that for Obama?!
What are these people seeing that they think is negative about McCain and positive about Obama? Is it just that Obama doesn't f'k up like McCain does so just showing them being themselves is biased? Do people really not see reporters grill Obama over and over about the same, tired, b.s and repeatedly forgive McCain for massive mistakes?
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