Tuesday, September 20, 2005

feds & Katrina

Katrina: How The Sick And Elderly Were Abandoned

Is it time for the blame game yet?
The 827 people inside [one hospital] - 137 of them patients - stayed relatively calm until Wednesday, when food and water ran short and the heat reached 110 degrees. "You get a feeling of, Does anybody know we're here?" Ms. McCall said.

She was told by top officials at Universal Health Services, the company that runs the hospital, that they had rented two trucks with food, water and diesel fuel and sent them on, "but they were confiscated by federal authorities," she said. The company also hired two helicopters, but officials refused to let them fly, she said.

I have read and heard numerous stories of the feds stopping supplies and rescuers from entering New Orleans. But the repugs want to cover up the f'k ups that caused an untold number of deaths.
Gawd help us if there is another attack! By the looks of things, nothing whatsoever has been done to improve - or even maintain - security over the last 4 years.