Monday, August 01, 2005

more "war" problems!

Uzbekistan evicts United States from air base

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Uzbekistan has told the United States to leave a military base that has served as a hub for missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the September 11, 2001, attacks, U.S. officials said on Saturday.
The action could create logistical problems for U.S. military operations in Afghanistan as well as relief workers in the region.

"The air field has been important to us and the U.S. allies in operations over there," Flood said.

The United States has regarded its bases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan as vital for operations in Afghanistan. However, U.S. presence in Central Asia has caused tensions with Russia and China, which joined the five ex-Soviet Central Asian states this month to demand a deadline for leaving the bases.

U.S. relations with authoritarian Uzbekistan also have been strained by the Uzbek government's bloody suppression in May of a rebellion in the eastern town of Andizhan, which drew U.S. criticism.

Everything that this administration has done in regards to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has been an unmitigated disaster!