Friday, August 05, 2005

confused conservatives defending muslims!

University rebukes employee for e-mail decrying lesbianism
Alright, this story is a little bizarre all the way around, but it has hit ALL of the conservative blogs as an example of "liberal bias" on campuses - something that they are deparately trying to prove, so they will jump on every little story.
In this case a Professor sent out an email about a university event - a showing of a film about a lesbian relationship.
The student/employee sent her back an email:
Mr. Daniel replied to the professor the next day asking that he not be sent "any mail about 'Connie and Sally'... and 'Adam and Steve.'?"
"These are perversions," Mr. Daniel wrote. "The absence of God in higher education brings on confusion. That is why in these classes the creator of the heavens and the universe is never mentioned."
A little over the top, eh? Couldn't have just said "please take me off of your mailing list"?
In any case, the Professor took this as threatening and reported the person, who happens to be a muslim.
Somehow, conservatives take this as an attack on christian values or something! Pretty interesting that conservative christians are now defending muslims! Is this a first?!
I believe that this has gone too far on both sides, but all of the hoopla could have been avoided if the person had just deleted the email or asked to be taken off of the mailing list. I'm certain that the mailing list is used for all events so the Professor would have no reason to believe that she would receive such a strong response to any of her emails.
If anything, though, this sounds like someone being prejudiced against a muslim - thinking that he would resort to violence over his ideals. Or, the Professor was simply acting as she would to any email she received from anyone who sounded a bit unstable and therefore could cause a problem.
Apparently, because conservative christians feel that they should be able to call homosexuals "perverts", they are rallying to this man's cause. They are demanding the rights to insults gays everywhere!
It's all a bit much.....