Wednesday, March 16, 2005

people need to lighten up, part one billion

Top Cardinal Blasts 'Da Vinci Code' as 'Cheap Lies'

VATICAN CITY (March 16) - If you're not among the millions who have already read "The Da Vinci Code," an Italian cardinal has a plea for you: Don't read it and don't buy it.
Genoa Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who previously was a high-ranking official of the Vatican's office on doctrinal orthodoxy, told Vatican Radio on Tuesday that the runaway success of the Dan Brown novel is proof of "anti-Catholic" prejudice.
"There's a great anti-Catholic prejudice," Bertone said. "I ask myself if a similar book was written, full of lies about Buddha, Mohammed, or, even, for example, if a novel came out which manipulated all the history of the Holocaust or of the Shoah, what would have happened?"

OK, I've read the book and think it's pretty good (in a very simplistic way - anyone can figure out the "twists" immediately) and y'know what? IT'S A WORK OF FICTION!!!!!!!!!! I don't think that fiction can be called lies, can it? Jesus Christ (literally!), people really have to lighten up about these completely unimportant things! There are so many world-threatening situations going on right now and so many politicians, laws, amendments, etc that truly are prejudiced and are trying to restrict and take away the average person's rights. A fictional novel should be pretty damn low on anyone's list of priorities! This is almost as silly as having hearings on steroid use in baseball with everything that is going on around us! Gawdam, this world is f'k'd up these days!