Thursday, March 17, 2005

never-ending idiocy about gay marriage

From Fox News :

The Basic Idea of Marriage Is to Raise Kids
By John Gibson
A word about gay marriage: As you might have heard, a judge in San Francisco has ruled that it is unconstitutional for the state of California to ban gay marriage.

That means all those same sex couples who were married by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom can go back to thinking they are married.

Now, just to be clear on this, those same sex couples are something, but I am quite sure it is not married.
Why is it just men and women? Because since history has been recorded, chipped in stone, inked onto papyrus, scribed into great books or printed on your ink jet, the basic idea behind marriage has been to set up a system for the raising of kids.

See Americablog for a great essay on this stupidity.
As he says, the repugs think that marriage is not about love, it is only about having kids.

So, in his mind I am not really married, although I am a heterosexual married to a heterosexual woman. I have been "snipped" and am not going to have children. And that means that people who are incapable of having kids for any reason are not married. People who marry after the woman has reached menopause are not married. The reasoning is absurd!

I married my wife because i love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her and her alone and i wanted her and the world to know that. Marriage is a commitment between two people - it has nothing whatsoever to do with children - if it does, then you're getting married for the wrong reason!

Damn, the daily dose of non-logic from these cretins is making my brain hurt! Maybe that's their plan! After all, they think that a gay prostitute in the white house is fine, as long as he's screwing lots of other guys for money, not settling down and marrying just one!