Thursday, March 17, 2005

the never ending fiction of bush's "town hall meetings"

From TBogg :

If this Potemkin village sounds familiar, take a look at the ongoing 60-stop "presidential roadshow" in which Mr. Bush has "conversations on Social Security" with "ordinary citizens" for the consumption of local and national newscasts. As in the president's "town meeting" campaign appearances last year, the audiences are stacked with prescreened fans; any dissenters who somehow get in are quickly hustled away by security goons.

But as The Washington Post reported last weekend, the preparations are even more elaborate than the finished product suggests; the seeming reality of the event is tweaked as elaborately as that of a television reality show. Not only are the panelists for these conversations recruited from administration supporters, but they are rehearsed the night before, with a White House official playing Mr. Bush. One participant told The Post, "We ran through it five times before the president got there." Finalists who vary just slightly from the administration's pitch are banished from the cast at the last minute, "American Idol"-style.

From Crooks and Liars (click on the link to see the video):

On Connected today, Craig Crawford debates Terry Jeffrey, editor from Human Events about the staged Townhall meetings President Bush is staging for his Social Security tour and the fake news that the White House is producing.

What Crawford calls questions to Bush, Jeffrey calls hecklers.

I understand that honesty has nothing to do with this administration and that image is everything and truth is nothing, but this is just getting silly! A "town hall meeting" where people can't actually ask questions, and if they do they are called hecklers and immediately removed. Isn't this government supposed to be "by the people, for the people"? Whatever happened to interacting with the public?

bush wouldn't be continually ridiculed if he just gave speeches and didn't pretend that it was anything else. But he is counting on the ignorant sheep to believe in his imaginary world.

Paid "journalists", prostitutes in the white house, fake "news" reports, town-hall-meeting-fantasies....He really has created his own world, where he is the only thing that matters....