Thursday, March 03, 2005

determined to destroy SS no matter what!

Yahoo News :

(USA TODAY) - The Bush administration launched an offensive Wednesday to rebut warnings that public qualms and opposition in Congress have doomed President Bush's plan to overhaul Social Security. Treasury Secretary John Snow said he, Bush and other administration officials will spend the next two months barnstorming the country to try to build support for Bush's plan to allow younger workers to divert some payroll taxes into stocks and bonds. "We're committed to making our case ... and to working with Congress to attain legislative success this year," Snow said.

They are out to take down SS no matter what the people think! I have not heard this much opposition towards anything that bush has proposed, yet he won't give up! I know that he doesn't give a crap what the people want, but this is bizarre even for him! But with the conservative media machine and the government behind them, they may yet succeed.