Thursday, October 23, 2008

strong political ads from - a storage company!

Manhattan Storage Companies Takes Out Billboard Ads To Lobby For Choice and Against Palin

They're ads you may have seen around New York City. They're supposed to be promoting storage, but they have a political and comical edge to them.

But their latest ad doesn't have too many people laughing.

Its billboards have always been edgy, but has Manhattan Mini Storage gone over the edge?

The ad causing controversy depicts a coat hanger and takes a stance on abortion, along with the slogan: "Your closet space is shrinking as fast as her right to choose."

Needless to say, it didn't take long for the backlash to come.

"These billboards, we think they're absolutely disgusting," said Kiera McCaffrey of the Catholic League. [..]

Manhattan Mini Storage often uses liberal messages in its billboards, reflecting the politics of a city in which three-quarters of voters picked John Kerry over George Bush in 2004.

Their latest ad, as shown in a NYC subway station shows a woman's body, wearing a Palin-esque suit with a button that says "Choice" with a circle and a line through the word, with the ad line, "What's more limited, your closet space or her experience?"

Personally, I like the coathanger ad. I think that image is a stark reminder of the dangers of letting the government take choices away from women. Abortions will not decline if they repeal Roe v. Wade, they'll just become more dangerous.

(Crooks and Liars)