Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain is doing the green screen again!

Does he never learn?!

I guess not - he just gave a shout out to bush! Wow!

How many empty seats are still in that hall?

Whoa - what was that protest that the cameras darted away from? "Brown noise"? What does that even mean? And what is up with the random chants of "usa" that have nothing to do with what McCain is saying?

Man, he is literally spewing every repug talking point from the last several decades. Boy, that sounds like change!

I'm sorry, but the crowd honestly looks bored, even when cheering. And damn, McCain must be the weakest speaker of the last cople of weeks...

And, once again, we need repugs to save us from the problems that the repugs have caused! Because, somehow, this time will be different!

Y'know McCain's story, told by himself, would probably be inspiring if we hadn't heard it a quadrillion times over the last couple of days. Now, it actually seems boring...

Wait a minute! "Barracuda" as the campaign theme song?!! What is that supposed to say about McCain and/or Palin?!