Friday, September 12, 2008

Mary Cheney doing the right thing despite being a confused republican

Mary Cheney fighting to stop gay marriage ban in California. reports:

Though she long sat on the sidelines as her father served as second in command over the past eight years, Vice-President Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary is flexing her political muscle and joining the fight to stop Prop. 8.

According to the website, Cheney pledged $3,000 back in July to the campaign to stop the ballot measure attempting to re-ban gay marriage in California.

RepublicansAgainst8 was founded by the Log Cabin Republicans. The group recently endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who supports Prop. 8.

(Think Progress)
Once again, it boggles the mind that they knowingly vote against their own best interest by voting for a candidate that opposed what you stand for...