Friday, September 12, 2008

we need much more of this!

Ari Melber rips lying GOP hack

Our good friend Ari Melber shows us how it's really done. It's about the "Obama wanted to teach six year olds about sex" garbage. Fabulous video. And two points to the MSNBC host (I can't believe I"m writing this) who ripped the Republican for, as she put it, not mentioning that Obama was actually in favor of teaching six year old about sexual abuse, not sex. Good line, actually.

Click the link to see the interview - the repug tries to avoid the question and then lies about it, but, incredibly, he is called on the lie and forcefully!
Please - much more of this kind of spine on TV! The repug looked ridiculous and pathetic because he knew he was trying to defend an outright lie.