Thursday, September 04, 2008

Daily Show on repug hypocrits

"Karl Rove bitterly divided on the experience issue"
By the way, in that clip, Rove calls Wasilla Alaska's 2nd largest city. Based on current estimated population, that would actually be Fairbanks ... at 31,142. Juneau comes third at 30,737. Wasilla is fourth, believe it or not, at 9,236 today. When she was mayor, it had a population of 5,469.

Richmond, VA, which Rove mocked earlier when he was taking aim at Tim Kaine, has a population of 200,123.

(Daily Kos)

Click the link for the video.

Repug hypocrisy knows no bounds...

And a mayor of a town (this population does not rank it to be called a city) of 5000 is qualified for president?! Wow...
It's not on the clip, but Stewart was unexpectedly vicious to Newt and actually called the repugs on their bullshit, which was nice to see...