our wonderful "liberal media"
Right wing TV Pundits destroy every segment on Democratic Convention
Every time I turn on the TV and watch CNN and FOX (my hotel doesn’t get MSNBC) every Republican operative controls the dialog and direction of the panel discussion and it’s disgusting. Just one example—Hillary Clinton gave a brilliant speech last night, but every Amy Holmes-type talking head throws as much cold water on the speech as he or she can. The result is that the Dem talkers spend the rest of the time disputing the outrageous claims made and thus the GOP controls the entire framing and the entire segment. It’s shameful that the networks are allowing this to happen. I saw Jeffrey Toobin tell Amy that she was out of her mind with some of her comments and the discussion continues to that end. Soledad O’Brien comes back and says “well, that was a lively discussion.” Oh, no it was not. It’s a calculated ratf&@k. This is going on all day and all night.
Why is the Democratic Convention being ruined by these creeps? And why do all the networks allow it to happen? Why do we need them on in force to counter what is supposed to be our event?
I’m in Denver and it’s a completely different atmosphere. Party unison abounds, but you’d never know it from watching TV. Karl Rove acts like the biggest troll known to man—making sure to point out every little detail he dislikes. Well, his mission is to get McCain in the White House. But he’s the expert that Chris Wallace goes to for his “unbiased” take.
Will the Democratic talkers be allowed to do the same to the Republican Convention? I think not. It will be viewed as being an incredible event.
(Crooks and Liars)
I think these are all rhetorical questions because we all know that the overwhelmingly conservative media just loves to bash Dems while praising repugs at every turn. It is impossible for Dems to get the same fair coverage that the repugs always receive - to the point that the media explains away or makes excuses for the repugs ridiculous and offensive remarks.
I noticed this even on PBS during the convention. It is truly obnoxious.
The convention is completely inspiring and - though it sounds unbearably corny - thrilling. But these creeps need to throw water on us all before we actually start thinking that we could return this country to its once great status.
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