Thursday, July 24, 2008

methinks they protest too much

Conservatives go bonkers over "esprit decor" if gays are let into the military

Absolutely hilarious hearing yesterday in the House about the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy that kind of sort of bans gays from serving in the US military. Dana Milbank's coverage is a must-read. Here are some highlights:

Donnelly was followed by Jones, a tough-talking businessman who suggested that the military's tradition of "selfless service" would be undermined by gay men and lesbians. "In the military environment, team cohesion, morale and esprit de corps is a matter of life and death," he said. His written statement spelled it "esprit decor"; it also warned of "a band of lesbians that harassed new females," and noted his own military experience when "the only way to keep from freezing at night was to get as close as possible for body heat -- which means skin to skin."


If he's already gotten "skin to skin" close to another male (if they were cold, why did they take off their clothes?), then I don't think he has any right to deny gays in the military!