Thursday, June 21, 2007

i certainly hope this isn't empty rhetoric

More measures on stem cells expected

WASHINGTON - President Bush hasn't seen the last of legislation to allow federal funding for new embryonic stem cell research.

Supporters are answering his veto with an effort Thursday to add to an appropriations bill permission to use taxpayer dollars for new lines of embryonic stem cells.

Democratic congressional leaders are expected to bring back the bill and try to override Bush's veto — or just give the issue more air time. Neither chamber has the two-thirds majority to succeed.

In the longer term, the stem cell issue will dog any candidate who sides with Bush, supporters of the legislation say.

"This will be an election issue in 2008 not just in the House, not just in the Senate, but in the presidential election," said one of the House's chief sponsors of the bill Bush vetoed, Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo. "We ... intend to continue bringing this up until we have a pro-stem cell president and a pro-stem cell Congress."

I sure hope that the Dems don't wimp out on this issue as they have on so many others that have had the backing of the majority of the American public. The Dems need to keep pushing the fact that the repugs are obstructing the will of the people on a daily basis.