how is a psychotic like this loose on the streets much less on the air?
Beck guest used violent rhetoric about Hillary.
Earlier today, ThinkProgress noted this exchange between CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck and guest Michael Graham:
Graham asked Beck if he wanted to see the Clintons murdered in the [spoof Sopranos] video. “[S]eriously, Glenn, didn’t you at one point want to see, like, Paulie Walnuts or someone come in and just whack them both right there. Wouldn’t that have been great?” Beck responded with a smile, “No, I did not want to see that.” Graham said, “C’mon. … I wanted that.”
MediaMatters points out that on the May 7, 2003, edition of MSNBC’s Hardball, Graham said: “Anyone listening to Hillary Rodham in her speech last week about patriotism, that screaming, screeching fingernail, I wanted to bludgeon her with a tire iron.” Also, Beck himself fantasized killing filmmaker Michael Moore in 2005: “I’m thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I’m wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could.”
(Think Progress)
Wow, the repugs are sick and twisted f'ks, aren't they?
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