Saturday, August 19, 2006

Maureen Dowd - Bushworld

Yes, I am way behind in my political reading, but my finances are such that I usually need to wait for a book to go to the discount dection before I can purchase it!

This book, like Tom Tomorrow's "Hell in a Handbasket" (also great!), is both reaffirming and extremely depressing. Depressing because, yet again, we see that we were right all these years and yet we still have the idiot-in-chief doing his damnest to bring about the end of the world, despite our best efforts.

Maureen follows bush from his days as the govenor of Texas through to the campaign of 2004. While I think that Dowd is very well-informed and insightful, in hindsight we see that she was far too lenient and trusting in bush. We now know that he has been far, far worse that she ever imagined him to be. He has committed far more crimes than anyone knew about in 2004. But, the catalog of atrocities that he had already committed at that time would have astounded anyone living under any other president.

I think that Dowd has a great style and these articles are informative, entertaining and easy to digest.

I only wish that they had more impact on the American public in 2004, because then we wouldn't be in the horrible state that we are now. Hopefully, people have learned not to trust the repugs in the last couple of years - especially considering their horrible record on security - and that 2006 will be a start of a new direction!