Monday, April 03, 2006

Santorum silliness

PA-Sen: Santorum Says Europe Is Dying

According to Senator, European cultures--yes, even European people--are dying from want of religion (video):

I, believe it or not, believe faith is incredibly strong in America. If you look at the rest of the world and the struggles they are having, particularly in Western Europe, who just completely abandoned faith, completely have gone to a secular society...Its cultures are dying. People are dying, they're being overrun from overseas, and they have no response. They have nothing to fight for. They have nothing to live for.

In this country, we have this vibrant faith that's on the rebound More people go to church on Sunday in America than go to all the sporting events in America held during the year combined.

You have to watch the video, his delivery is priceless. I wonder how all the European immigrants in Pennsylvania, the first and second generation European voters feel about Santorum telling them their cultures are "dying." What a great way to win over voters who take pride in their heritage: tell them their loved ones overseas have nothing to live for. Santorum's silliness strikes again.

(Daily Kos)