Friday, February 17, 2006

what a bizarre talking point!

Bush Says War on Terror Takes Commitment
TAMPA, Fla. - Appealing for patience, President Bush said Friday that Americans should not be discouraged by setbacks in Iraq and said the nation must realize that it is still at war.

The president said there is a "tendency of folks is to say this really isn't a war. People kind of want to slip to the comfortable."

Who is Santorum Talking About?

The Philadelphia City Paper reports that, at an event earlier this week in Philadelphia, Rick Santorum said the following:

"If you don't think we're in a war, then think again," said Santorum, justifying President George Bush's wiretapping procedures to listen in on possible terrorist conversations. "Most people don't believe there is war. And the war could have been avoided. Now we're in a war, but it's a different kind of war." (Emphasis ours)

WHAT? Did we miss something? Most people don't believe we're in a war? Rick can you please tell us who these people are? Are they the people who fell for President Bush's "Mission Accomplished" routine?

Or perhaps some people forgot that we were in a war because they heard you tell them to serve their country by displaying your bumper stickers.

Does anyone know ANYBODY who doesn't think that we're at war?!?!? The fact that bush went to war based on lies is one of the biggest points of contention in this country today.
Are these repugs literally losing all sense of reality? Pretty scary!