Tuesday, October 18, 2005

more conservatives turning on bush

The American Conservative Union doesn't ♥ Bush

This is REALLY bad. Yet hysterically funny at the same time.

From David Keane, chairman of the American Conservative Union

What is most troubling about this whole affair, however, is the way the administration has gone about trying to demonize conservatives who have raised questions about Ms. Miers. It began from day one to attack personally the motives, loyalty and judgment of anyone who questioned the wisdom of the nomination. Since then, the ad hominem attacks on Miers’s conservative critics have been unconscionably heavy-handed and will haunt the president regardless of how the nomination fight turns out.

Most conservatives have stood with Bush from the beginning. Those of us who know him like him. We’ve swallowed policies we might otherwise have objected to because we’ve believed that he and those around him are themselves conservatives trying to do the right thing against sometimes terrible odds. We’ve been there for him because we’ve considered ourselves part of his team.

No more.

From now on, this administration will find it difficult to muster support on the right without explaining why it should be forthcoming. The days of the blank check have ended because no thinking conservative really wants to be part of a team that requires marching in lock step without question or thought, even if it is headed by the president of the United States.

I'm sorry, but you guys put an idiot in office, you knew he was an idiot, and now that idiot is making idiotic decisions and you don't like it. In fact, that idiot has been making a mess of things for five years and you just finally clued in. Well, too bad. You voted for it, you buy it.

I still honestly do not understand what the fuss is about from the conservatives. They've trusted bush as he has lied through his teeth to their faces and defended him for doing so and now they are going nuts because his nominee isn't psycho enough for them. They can't possibly believe for a nano-second that he would nominate someone who wasn't a loon who hates gays and women's choice, so why all the noise? This has to be part of a bigger plot that we are not seeing yet. How could they trust him on every other bat-shit insane decision he has made, but not on this one? Do they think that he is completely lost because rove is tied up with his own legal problems these days? Guess only time will tell....
The Decembrist has a good post on just this subject. I have heard elsewhere as well that the repugs simply wanted a symbolic battle with the Dems over this nominee and were willing to put up with all the crap that bush has done over the years just for this moment. It doesn't matter that in the long run Miers will be just an crazy as they are - they wanted to show the Dems that they could put a foaming-at-the-mouth, screaming, raving nutjob on the court and there was nothing that the rest of us could do about it as we watched our rights go down the drain and our country become the antithesis of what it once stood for. They know that Miers is an extreme conservative, but they wanted the showdown. That was all that was important.
These people care nothing whatsoever for America - all they care about is consolidating their power and telling the rest of us to f'k off.
Scary people...
I can only hope that someday we return to a country of real values - not the pretend repug values....