Monday, October 17, 2005

Wh didn't really mean that we would go after al Qaeda

Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaeda”
This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, Condoleezza Rice explains why we invaded Iraq:

The fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al Qaeda…or we could take a bolder approach.

This may be news to the Secretary of State but the proximate cause of 9-11 was al-Qaeda. Nevertheless, the administration decided to invade Iraq instead of focusing our efforts on destroying al-Qaeda and capturing Bin Laden.

Today, bin Laden remains at large, international terrorism is on the rise and the invasion has become “a potent recruiting tool for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.”
UPDATE: Crooks and Liars has the video.

(Think Progress)

Wha.....?! A "bolder approach" was invading a country that had nothing to do with the attacks and making our country less safe and creating far more terrorists than ever before?! I suppose that is one way to describe that!


Nitpicker has an interesting take on all of this!