Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay indicted!!!

DeLay indicted on conspiracy charges
House majority leader's position in jeopardy.

A Travis County grand jury today indicted U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on one count of criminal conspiracy, jeopardizing the Sugar Land Republican's leadership role as the second most powerful Texan in Washington, D.C.

The charge, a state jail felony punishable by up to two years incarceration, stems from his role with his political committee, Texans for a Republican Majority, a now-defunct organization that already had been indicted on charges of illegally using corporate money during the 2002 legislative elections.
An indictment does not force DeLay to resign as a member of Congress, but the GOP's rules demand that he resign his post as majority leader as he fights the charges. Congressional Republicans earlier tried to drop that requirement, citing Earle's investigation as a political vendetta, but they ultimately maintained the rule after withering criticism.

Wow! I actually thought that i had read this wrong the first time that i say it! Literally incredible! Still not holding my breath that he will actually receive a sentence, but will people finally start to wake up and see how corrupt these repugs are?!