Wednesday, September 28, 2005

think that there's any chance of this?

DeLay Indictment Watch
Does DeLay get indicted today? Here's the latest from the Austin paper:

U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's leadership post is on the line today as a Travis County grand jury is expected to consider indicting DeLay on conspiracy charges, several lawyers familiar with the investigation said.

The charges would stem from DeLay's role in using corporate money in the 2002 elections. State law generally bans corporate money from campaign activities.

"I wouldn't have expected this a year ago," one Austin criminal defense lawyer said. "It's quite a turnaround if it happens."

I don't know - i guess it depends on how much power the repugs have lost recently, but i'm not holding my breath. Accountability is not something that is usually associated with this administration!