Wednesday, August 10, 2005

still completely out of control!

Gunmen Kidnap Senior Iraqi Official
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen kidnapped a senior Iraqi Interior Ministry official Wednesday and the U.S. military reported the deaths of five more U.S. service members — the latest violence as Iraqi politicians struggled to meet a deadline for drafting a constitution.
As fighting in Iraq rages on, the United States hopes progress on the political front, including adoption of a democratic constitution, will help deflate the Sunni Arab-led rebellion and enable the Americans and their partners to begin withdrawing troops next year.

"It's important that they stay with their timetable" on the constitution, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday. "This will be a critical step in persuading the majority of the Iraqis that the new Iraq is worth fighting for, that they have a stake in it."

Rumsfeld told Pentagon reporters that the constitution "could well turn out to be one of the most powerful weapons to be deployed against the terrorists" and the insurgents are "determined to stop the constitutional process through terror and intimidation."

But Iraqi political leaders drafting the charter have shown little sign of compromise over questions like the role of Islam and federalism in the nation's future.

The violence is completely unchecked and the political side seems to be in almost as much turmoil as the military side! I cannot imagine a bigger disaster than what we have created in this poor country!