Wednesday, August 03, 2005

gawd what a scumbag!

Bush Installs Pentagon Official

WASHINGTON - President Bush again invoked a constitutional provision enabling him to bypass the Senate and install directly a nominee who had been blocked in the Senate. This time, he named Peter Flory to be an assistant secretary of defense.

this is like a little kid who has to run around and hide and pull his baby pranks when no one is looking. I guess if he can't get his way playing by the rules, as everyone else always has, then he has to go behind everyone's backs.
I guess this way he doesn't have to give his reasons for wanting the candidate and he doesn't have to give up the information that people expect in order to hold a vote.
Why doesn't he just give up on all pretense and just crown himself ultimate dictator or king or something. He doesn't give a f'k about what anyone else thinks and could care less about rules and regulations, so why not just put it all out in the open?