Friday, May 27, 2005

the true "party of no"

I find it amazing that repugs are still chanting that the Dems “have no ideas” and are the “party of ‘no’”! Do they honestly think that anyone other than themselves believes this?!

Of course the Dems have plenty of ideas and they’re not afraid to talk about them. But the repugs don’t know this because they refuse to listen to them! The repugs will criticize any legitimate idea that any Dem has and then say that we have no ideas! Talk about a catch-22!

The fact that they continue to get away with it just shows how “liberal” our media is!

And the “party of ‘no’”?!?!?! How can a repug say this about the Dems with a straight face?!?!?! Dems are the ones who are trying to give people rights and the repugs only want to take them away!

Dems want people to have Social Security that is secure – the repugs say “NO – we want to take it away completely”!

Dems want accountability in everything from voting to the administration’s lies. The repugs say “NO – we refuse to be accountable for anything”!

Dems want to honor and support our troops – the repugs say “NO, we will hide their names so that no one will know their sacrifices, we will deny them benefits, we will deny them proper armor, we will lie to them about why they are dying and lie to their families and the country about how they died”!

Dems want affordable health care for every, the repugs say “NO, we don’t believe that our citizens deserve health care”!

Dems believe in quality education for all, which, of course, will help the entire country. The repugs say “NO, we will not support schools and teachers and we will cut funding”!

Dems believe in fiscal responsibility and controlling the budget and reducing the deficit. The repugs say “NO, we want to spend and spend and spend and let the future generations figure out where the money will come from”!

Dems believe in helping the environment and giving future generations clean air, pure drinking water, forests, wildlife refuges, etc. The repugs say “NO, we only care about big businesses and don’t care who we hurt as long as we continue to receive large ‘donations’”!

Dems believe in women controlling their own bodies and not the government. The repugs say “NO, women’s bodies belong to US!”! We believe in moving this country back to the 19th century!

Dems believe in reducing the need for abortions and the cause of AIDS by education and repugs say “NO, we want to keep people as ignorant as possible and we do not care about their health! We do not want to reduce the cause of unwanted pregnancies, we just want to push our simplistic, backwards, religious policies”!

Dems wants everyone to have equal rights and repugs say “NO, we do not believe that gays should have the same rights as straights or that women should have the same rights as men”!

The list goes on & on! The current republican policy is to be as negative as possible towards everyone except their big money donors!

I realize that this is simplistic, but it is true! As i've said, i am not a writer, but i can see the obvious!

Too bad our "liberal media' ignores these contradictions!

See Blondesense for more on a similar topic.
See here for Senator Harry Reid’s Democratic Agenda.