Thursday, May 26, 2005

how many instances of hypocrisy will there be?!

Santorum took money from stem cell researchers

Uh oh. They're gonna take away your American Taliban card for that one.

More from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee:

Question of the Day for Rick Santorum: Can Stem Cell Research Cure Hypocrisy?

Senator Rick Santorum this week re-emphasized his opposition to stem cell research, stating that he was “disheartened” to learn that the House of Representatives voted to expand stem cell research and that he does “not support taxpayer funding for scientific research that involves the destruction of human embryos.” Yet Santorum had no problem accepting $55,500 in campaign contributions from companies that conduct stem cell research.

This is getting to the point of being surreal! I know that not every single republican is a hypocrite, but, man, the ones that are go above and beyond the call of hypocritical duty! Does any major player in this administration have ANY actual values?!